Tea with Us

Where Tea Master Tea Comes From (Part III): Mie

Alex recalls his visit to Safety Re-Farm 88 in Mie Prefecture. He discusses Ise Tea and Heigo Toba's organic tea movement in the 1970s, with a side of Akafuku mochi.

Where Tea Master Tea Comes From (Part III): Mie

Alex recalls his visit to Safety Re-Farm 88 in Mie Prefecture. He discusses Ise Tea and Heigo Toba's organic tea movement in the 1970s, with a side of Akafuku mochi.

Where Tea Master Tea Comes From (Part II): Shiz...

Alex details his trip to Shizuoka, the region responsible for "Japanese tea" as the world knows it. There, he visits the Osada-En farm, witnessing the production of its fermented Hakko-cha.

Where Tea Master Tea Comes From (Part II): Shiz...

Alex details his trip to Shizuoka, the region responsible for "Japanese tea" as the world knows it. There, he visits the Osada-En farm, witnessing the production of its fermented Hakko-cha.

Where Tea Master Tea Comes From (Part I): Yame

Alex, the first employee at Tea Master after its conception, discusses the tea that brought him to Tea Master—and the tea that Tea Master brings from Hoshino-Seichaen in Yame, Japan.

Where Tea Master Tea Comes From (Part I): Yame

Alex, the first employee at Tea Master after its conception, discusses the tea that brought him to Tea Master—and the tea that Tea Master brings from Hoshino-Seichaen in Yame, Japan.